Sunday 30 June 2019 – Thirteenth Sunday Ordinary Time Prayer of the Faithful


I will follow you, wherever you go.

PRIEST: We have been chosen in Christ to follow wherever he leads us. Let us ask the Lord to open his grace to the world, so that everyone may follow Christ’s lead.

FOR CHRISTIAN LEADERS EVERYWHERE, (pause) that they may follow the example of Christ, who did not hesitate to go to Jerusalem, even though it involved his suffering and death. Lord, hear our prayer; may we always follow you we pray Oh Lord.

FOR THE LEADERS OF SOCIETY, pause that they may use their power to serve others wisely and well, and so follow the example of Christ, who became the servant of everyone. Lord, hear our prayer; may we always follow you we pray Oh Lord.

FOR THOSE WITH NO SENSE OF DIRECTION IN THEIR LIVES, (pause) that they may be guided by the Holy Spirit so that his grace will light up the true way which leads to Christ and salvation. Lord, hear our prayer; may we always follow you we pray Oh Lord.

FOR A CLOSER FOLLOWING OF CHRIST BY ALL HERE PRESENT, (pause) that we may so give our lives to God’s only Soon, whose service is perfect freedom, that we grow in holiness of life, and help each other to follow Christ. Lord, hear our prayer; may we always follow you we pray Oh Lord.

In silence, we make our private petitions to God, who is always prepared to answer us.

Father, we have made our prayers to you in true freedom and love, trusting you will answer us. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

See Today’s Reflection


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