Readings and Reflection for Friday September 30, Memorial of Saint Jerome, Priest and Doctor of the Church



Have you ever commanded the morning, and entered into the springs of the sea?

A reading from the Book of Job (Job 38:1.12-21;40:3-5)

The Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind: “Have you commanded the morning since your days began, and caused the dawn to know its place, that it might take hold of the skirts of the earth, and the wicked be shaken out of it? It is changed like clay under the seal, and it is dyed like a garment. From the wicked their light is withheld, and their uplifted arm is broken. Have you entered into the springs of the sea, or walked in the recesses of the deep? Have the gates of death been revealed to you, or have you seen the gates of deep darkness? Have you comprehended the expanse of the earth? Declare, if you know all this. “Where is the way to the dwelling of light, and where is the place of darkness, that you may take it to its territory and that you may discern the paths to its home? You know, for you were born then, and the number of your days is great!” Then Job answered the Lord: “Behold, I am of small account; what shall I answer you? I lay my hand on my mouth. I have spoken once, and I will not answer; twice, but I will proceed no further.”

The word of the Lord.

RESPONSORIAL PSALM Psalm 139:1-3.7-8.9-10.13-14ab (R. 24b)

R/. Lead me, Lord, in the way everlasting.

O Lord, you search me and you know me,

You yourself know my resting and my rising;

you discern my thoughts from afar.

You mark when I walk or lie down;

you know all my ways through and through. R/.

O where can I go from your spirit,

or where can I flee from your face?

If I climb the heavens, you are there.

If I lie in the grave, you are there. R/.

R/. Lead me, Lord, in the way everlasting.

If I take the wings of the dawn or dwell

at the sea’s furthest end,

even there your hand would lead me;

your right hand would hold me fast. R/.

For it was you who formed my inmost being,

knit me together in my mother’s womb.

I thank you who wonderfully made me;

how wonderful are your works. R/.

ALLELUIA Psalm 95:7d and 8a

Alleluia. Today, harden not your hearts, but listen to the voice of the Lord. Alleluia.


“He who rejects me, rejects him who sent me. ”

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke (Luke 10:13-16)

At that time: Jesus said, “Woe to you, Chorazin! woe to you, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes. But it shall be more tolerable in the judgement for Tyre and Sidon than for you. And you, Capernaum, will you be exalted to heaven? You shall be brought down to Hades. He who hears you hears me, and he who rejects you rejects me, and he who rejects me rejects him who sent me.”

The Gospel of the Lord.

Today’s Reflection

Angels are messengers of God, counted among heavenly beings saddled with different responsibilities like healing, announcing and defending. Archangels, and guardian angels are within the common rank of angels. It is our belief that every individual on earth has a guardian angel. As Jesus rightly noted in the gospel, when we live righteously, i.e. with a pure heart, our guardian angel who is before God intercedes for us before God. However, when we live sinfully we reduce the effect of that angel because there is no light shining enough to fan into a flame. To be like a child, as Jesus teaches, is to be pure at heart, sincere and to be at peace with one another. The intercession of the guardian angels sees us through life’s hard and dangerous moments. Live righteously to continually kindle the potency of your guardian angel.


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